
Lenape Spring Sports 2025 Information
Lenape Spring Sports 2025 Information
Updated on 03/06/2025
 Lenape Spring Sports 2025


Starting dates


Monday, March 24 (2:30-4:30) 

Track and Field, Girls' Soccer, Baseball, Softball


Monday, March 31 (2:30-4:30)

Boys Tennis


Monday, April 7 (2:30-4:30)

Boys' and Girls' Lacrosse


All participants must be registered on Big Teams and approved by the athletic director before being allowed to participate. Once you have an established a Big Teams registration account, you can make all necessary changes to your registration within the same account for all sports.  Please email for any registration questions.


All participants should bring gear ready for practice (Sneakers, athletic clothing, equipment, and water). Coaches will discuss practice schedules and information specific to their sport on the first day of practice. All athletic gear can be stored and locked in the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms during the school day.  The team rooms will be open from 7:18-7:30 each morning for the kids to drop off their bags.  Kids will then have access to the team rooms at the end of the day (2:30-2:45) to get ready for practice. 


Initial Meeting locations on the first day of practice


Girls Soccer- Aux Gym

Girls Lacrosse- Aux Gym

Boys Lacrosse- Cafeteria

Baseball- Cafeteria

Softball- Cafeteria

Track and Field- Main Gym

Boys' Tennis- Cafeteria



There is a possibility coaches may need to make cuts in some sports if the numbers are too high although we will try to avoid if at all possible.  Kids may only try out for one sport.  If a student gets cut in a sport, they may join another sport that does not make cuts if the numbers are not too high.  They must get permission from Mr. Kriney and the coach of the other sport.  We will not do multiple tryouts in any sport



Track and Field:  Mr. Przybylowski, Mr. Vacca, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Ms. Sicinski   

Boys Lacrosse:  Mr. Szambelak, Mr. Blankenbiller 

Baseball:  Mr. Hartman, Mr. Mason, Mr. Perry                      

Girls Lacrosse:  Mrs. Bhaya, Mrs. Crosland

Softball:  Ms. Christie, Ms. McMackin

Girls Soccer:  Mrs. Strum, Ms. Benedict

Boys' Tennis:  Mr. Bouvier


Thank you and looking forward to a great season. 


Let me know if I can help in any way.


Mr. Kriney

Lenape Athletic Director

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